Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Pandas.Giant pandas is a national treasure in China and is therefore protected by law. These unique bears has long been revered by the Chinese and can be found in Chinese art dating back thousands of years. The Chinese call their beloved pandas "large bear-cats." People outside of China have been fascinated by giant pandas since they were first described by French Missionary Pere Armand David in 1869. Now, more than 100 years later, the worldwide love for pandas has been combined with international efforts to keep them from becoming extinct.

Are Giant Pandas Really Bears?
For years scientists have wondered whether pandas are bears, raccoons, or in a group all their own. Through studying the genetic code (DNA) in pandas' cells, scientists have confirmed the panda's relationship with bears. Giant pandas are similar to other bears in their general looks, the way they walk and climb, and their skull characteristics. It's important to know that pandas are bears, because the more we know about pandas, the better we can help them reproduce and survive .

Vocal Pandas
Pandas make a bleating sound similar to the sound a lamb or a goat kid would make. It's a friendly sound, a greeting. They don't roar, the way you think of a brown bear roaring. But they do bleat and honk, they sometimes huff, bark, or growl, and young cubs croak and squeal.

Giant Pandas Face Big Problems In Today's World
Today, only around 1,600 giant pandas survive on Earth. There are several reasons why pandas are endangered.

Don't you find these creatures cute? These creatures have been neglected by us.Mankind.Soon they are going to be extinct.Why?Because of us!MAN! Enough of the destruction of forests! Pandas are only one species out of all the rest of the nedangered animals.Why aren't we doing anything? We, human beings are self-centered.Soon,very soon,we are going to destroy ourselves.We'll become endangered soon...will we?

Posted by Hello


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