Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The animal kingdom.All living on peacefully on this Earth.Soon going to be endangered I might say.Look at how simple their lives are.Find food,shelter,escape from danger,and etc.How amazing they look.Peacock,snake,kitten,shrek?Okay, how did that picture get in here?Bird,koala,penguin,bear,Spongebob?! 2/1nians?!Okay,2/1nians,sure they are I guess sort of part of the animal kingdom.Yeah.But spongebob?!!Oh...but he looks so cute...What am I talking about?!Shrek and Fiona?!Are they in the animal kingdom?Are they even animals?Spongebob is just a sponge!Shrek and Fiona? They are just CARTOON CHARACTERS!!!I think I might know who's the culprit who put that picture in here! How cunning!I'm going to get him soon! You hear me!I know you can hear! You're somewhere in this room,I know it...You better get out of here before I kill you...Ok like I said just now ?they need to find food,shelter,escape from danger,..? I think who ever put the picture in here had better escape from danger(ME)!!!!OKay now I am off to catch my prey...I'll tell you folks out there what the animal kingdom is soon after I catch you-know-who... ME OUT! Posted by Hello

Pandas.Giant pandas is a national treasure in China and is therefore protected by law. These unique bears has long been revered by the Chinese and can be found in Chinese art dating back thousands of years. The Chinese call their beloved pandas "large bear-cats." People outside of China have been fascinated by giant pandas since they were first described by French Missionary Pere Armand David in 1869. Now, more than 100 years later, the worldwide love for pandas has been combined with international efforts to keep them from becoming extinct.

Are Giant Pandas Really Bears?
For years scientists have wondered whether pandas are bears, raccoons, or in a group all their own. Through studying the genetic code (DNA) in pandas' cells, scientists have confirmed the panda's relationship with bears. Giant pandas are similar to other bears in their general looks, the way they walk and climb, and their skull characteristics. It's important to know that pandas are bears, because the more we know about pandas, the better we can help them reproduce and survive .

Vocal Pandas
Pandas make a bleating sound similar to the sound a lamb or a goat kid would make. It's a friendly sound, a greeting. They don't roar, the way you think of a brown bear roaring. But they do bleat and honk, they sometimes huff, bark, or growl, and young cubs croak and squeal.

Giant Pandas Face Big Problems In Today's World
Today, only around 1,600 giant pandas survive on Earth. There are several reasons why pandas are endangered.

Don't you find these creatures cute? These creatures have been neglected by us.Mankind.Soon they are going to be extinct.Why?Because of us!MAN! Enough of the destruction of forests! Pandas are only one species out of all the rest of the nedangered animals.Why aren't we doing anything? We, human beings are self-centered.Soon,very soon,we are going to destroy ourselves.We'll become endangered soon...will we?

Posted by Hello

The sun.Have you ever thought about the sun? How we as human beings have always needed the sun?The light?The warmth? We have always taken the sun for granted.Look at how brilliant it is.Look at the scenic view.Look at the colours.Think about it.The beautiful array of colours.See the glow. Posted by Hello

The green enchanting forest. Deep inside lies some unknown secrets. Humans don't seem to care about mother nature anymore.Why? Ask yourself why.What else do you see in this picture? Can you see a fading path leading to a -place unknown to Man?How warmifiyng is the forest? How relaxing it can be? Look at the beauties.Look at the growth in the forest.Life scattered everywhere.Look at the forest glow.Can you see it? Close your eyes and imagine the environment, the feeling, the noises you might hear.Here the forest becoming real and alive.Listen to every noise.Absorb the noises.The greenery, ever so enchanting.Leave your mind .Leave your body.Let your soul be free.They say if you look at nature's natural greenery, you won't suffer poor-eyesight.Believe it or not, it's up to you.The individual. Posted by Hello

All the mimers together taking the last photos of the day.Minutes before our real performance, everyone was very nervous backstage.Half of us did the centering.It was so cold and dark backstage.Wish that all these could last longer.... Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Do you see any resemblance? Well if you do then congratulations!! You've got good eye sight!!!Doesn't she look cute when she was young....Like an angel...Hey, wait! How did that picture of a girl? get in here?AHHH!!!SHOOT!!!It's happening again.I can't control my hands!!!It's loosing it...Help!!! hey, who are you?OK Put that knife down.Don't be hasty.Don't do anything hasty by killing me!!! Stop!!!!NOOOOO.........jefoe;ryfih;sfy0285012$%@^%$^#GDo342hitegloyei92asdjShitasohhfahelphelphepljephqoahfyelp!!!!!!!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now, I am the new reporter.Name: ME.I'm going to replace the previous reporter because she has been killed!!! By guess who...ME!!!!MUAHAHAHA!!!MUAHAHAHA!!!!!! **choke!!!** Sorry choked on a fly. Pardon me. Posted by Hello

Their parents unfortunately, were too ashamed too show their real faces but too bad they weren't around anymore to find out that their beloved nerdy children was shot! The above people were the foursome's parents. Old aren't they?That's why they are not around anymore!!!But good news still, the foursome are soon going to their parents..=) Either in HELL or HEAVEN...Like the saying goes: Love is like heaven but hurts like hell!!! Well, that wasn't necessary...Well, then...Rusy OUT! Posted by Hello

Tears will flow for these four unfortunate people who was shot yesterday. Previously, people were afraid of these four ?loony? people.Those weird specstacles.Smiling all the time which made people think that they're up to something. The foursome met up yesterday in hope that they could get some project work done but unfortunately a mysterious murderer on the loose had shot them! How unfortunate.
Quoted from the Paper and Pen Newspaper: "May these foursome rest in pieces. Sorry I meant peace." Said the parents of these foursome.
Sad isn't it...Their classmates will miss them greatly.
Posted by Hello

Waterfall.Continuing mysterious journey.Never ending and ever-lasting journey.Down and down.Forever journey, till something stops it.Man-kind someday will.But in the mean time, flow down the mountain, it will. Posted by Hello

The sunset and nature right beside it...The green forest.Serenity,peaceful,calm, beautiful scenery. Posted by Hello

A mixture of two class photos.A blend of colours.Can you make out the faces of each individual? Posted by Hello

A mixture of dark the meaning behind each picture.It might lead you to something very deep.Deep and profound.Emotions over-flowing. Roaming everywnere.A blend of dark secretive colours.Figure out what the pictures mean. Posted by Hello

Pictures of class 2/1 nians...kindly done by Rusydiah Posted by Hello

Pictures at Labrador Park Pictures of almost everyone in class Smiling Posted by Hello

Pictures of Labrador Park and at the At the beach itself Posted by Hello

Series of pictures Posted by Hello

Sunday, June 12, 2005


I'm thinking of having a blog just for pictures.Nicely done pictures by ME!!! Haha...There'll be captions.I think.Oh well, Enjoy the pictures.Do leave comments.One of my future careers might be photographing.